new to hot yoga?


What is Hot Yoga & What can I Expect?

Hot yoga is simply yoga practiced in a heated room. The heat is helpful in speeding up the benefits of yoga. When you practice in the heat, you have the potential to elevate your yoga experience in many of the ways discussed below:

  • Heated yoga enhances vasodilatation so that more blood is delivered to the muscles. This means that the capillaries that weave around the muscles respond to the heat by dilation. This brings more oxygen to the muscles and helps in the removal of waste products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

  • Hot yoga allows oxygen in the blood to detach from the hemoglobin more easily. When blood passes through warm muscles, oxygen releases more easily from the hemoglobin. Blood passing through cold muscles release less oxygen.

  • The heat speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids.

  • Heat makes the muscles more elastic and less susceptible to injury.

  • The added heat challenges your focus and fortitude, resulting in rapidly strengthening your resilience and mental strength.

  • Hot Yoga reduces heart irregularities associated with sudden exercise.

  • Hot Yoga burns fat more easily: warmed muscles burn fat more easily than cold ones. Fat is released during stress. The stress of intense exercise causes a deluge of fatty acids into the blood stream. If you exercise with cold muscles, they can’t use the fatty acids and they end up in places where they aren’t wanted, such as in the lining of your arteries.

*Hot Yoga is for every BODY - any age, level, size, etc. Just show up, and let the yoga do its work. We are here to support you!

**Classes start on-time, so please arrive 10-15 min before class. The door will be locked at the start of class.